Why handwriting is best learned In a Primary Classroom


The sensitive period of 3-6 years is a beneficial time for a child to be introduced to writing.  The order found in writing - piggy backing on the Montessori philosophy of bringing order to chaos - will be an irresistible draw for the child.  We introduce the creation of letters, the sounds of the letters and then the structuring of sound with the hand in writing.

The child works with sandpapers and simultaneously works with the sound games.  These experiences will spark in the child the natural next step which it to put these practices to paper.

"With the Moveable Alphabet, the child was able to put a thought into symbols first by “writing” a single word, then a phrase, then a complete sentence and finally a story. The last direct preparation the child will have before he begins to write will be his work with the metal insets. This will help the child to learn how to correctly hold a pencil, it will make the child practice different strokes, help the child learn about pencil pressure and will make the hand ready for handwriting."

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